Only 25 000 or so more units to go….
I do enjoy playing and collecting Ibanez boxes, but i also have a special spot in my heart for Danelectro, DOD and.. well.. Basically anything that i may find interesting. Here is the list of items in my personal collection. The list can also be viewed at Effectsdatabase. Here are the main pages:
+Ibanez, Maxon (111)
+Danelectro (53)
+DOD, Digitech (51)
+Electro-Harmonix (40)
+Boss (54)
+Other Brands and Series (177)
There’s been quite a few other pedals in the past. If i don’t like something and don’t see the value there for me, i usually sell those away for reasonable prices. Some i have sold due to economic reasons over the span of 20 years. Some i have bought back and some i miss. Others, not so much. I don’t want to keep a list of the ones i’ve sold. There are some posts on this blog, that are not linked from the collection pages. Those are some of the ones i’ve gotten rid of.