What is it? DOD FX55-B Supra Distortion. Made in US, early 1990. One of the pedals that DOD sold a lot back in the day. I assume this probably was the first pedal for many people in the late 80’s and 90’s. And why not. Widely available and in a low price range. The name…
Month: May 2015
Digitech XBC Bass Multi Chorus
What is it? Digitech XBC Bass Multi Chorus from X-series. Made in china around late 00’s. Makes seriously wonder i should just sell all the X-series pedals i currently have. Opening the first one back when i did was a severe “meh” situation that offered very little to be interest about. Opening the second one…
Roger Mayer Voodoo-1
What is it? Roger Mayer Voodoo-1 Distortion. Made in UK in early 90’s. Possibly 1993. Got this unit in a trade from a friend (thx Jaakko!). Mr. Mayer is The Original Boutiquer, so obviously i was interested. I’m not going into the history of the man, but if you are interested, you could check out…
Colorless writings, part 24 – Nothing
I’ve been busier than usual with all the other things going on.. So this time the part for Colorless writings will be about nothing. Nothing, to that extent that there is no article today. Move on. See you again in a month or so.
Way Huge WHE702 Echo Puss
What is it? Way Huge WHE702 Echo Puss. Made by Dunlop in 2010’s. A guy offered this in a trade. And being the type of analog delay friend that i am, i had very little choice but to go for it. This is my first Way Huge box. While it isn’t the Way Huge that…
Dunlop JDF2 Fuzz Face
What is it? Dunlop JDF2 Fuzz Face. No idea where Dunlop currently makes these. If pot date codes are correct, this unit may have been rolled out in 2010. I’ve already written about the blue Jimi Hendrix model, which seemed like a decent silicon transistor remake of the unit Jimi used back in the day….
DOD FX53 Classic Tube
What is it? DOD FX53 Classic Tube from DOD’s FX series. Made in USA, 1991. A unit that’s been mostly put down by the misconception about its design for decades. I know i was under the wrong impression for a long time too. The name may point to the direction of all the different tubescreamers…
Arion MTE-1 Tubulator
What is it? Arion MTE-1 Tubulator. Made in Sri Lanka, around early 00’s A Tubulator? Yes. Can anyone guess what the base circuit design is? By the name and three controls, Level, Tone and gain, which is named as Dist, there should not be that many questions. There is a schematic up at Matsumin’s page…
Ibanez FLL Flanger
What is it? Ibanez FLL Flanger from L-, or Master series. Made in Japan, 1985. Now, there is a reason why i’m posting this one right now. I just wrote a post about the SF10, Swell Flanger. Due to that article, there is very little to say about FLL. It’s is the same effect with…
Ibanez SF10 Swell Flanger
What is it? Ibanez SF10 Swell Flanger from Ibanez 10-, or Power series. Made in Japan, 1987. Swell. I have no idea where the name comes from. But does it matter? Probably not. Solid 10-series pedal with nothing off from the rest of the bunch. The series is rather large with “only” 36 titles in…