In all of the brands that have mass produced pedals, i find the Maxon/Ibanez to be one of the most interesting ones. There are lots and lots of original and intriguing desings, and there are some that are less interesting. I think it’s safe to say that Ibanez is one of the reasons i’m collecting pedals.
Original Soundtank/5-Series (6, complete)
The original Soundtank/5-Series was introduced in 1989 and the manufacturing of the six designs in metal enclosures ended as quickly as in 1990. From the original six designs, only four made it to the latter, plastic soundtank series, leaving MF5 Modern Fusion and CR5 Crunchy Rhythm more or less collectible items.
Soundtank/5-Series (18, complete)
The latter soundtank series was built in similar enclosures to the original series, but instead of metal, these new enclosures were made of plastic. Four of the original designs made their way to the new series, including FZ5 (which had a model name change at this point), CM5, TM5 and PL5. In total, 14 new designs were added along the way. The plastic Soundtanks were manufactured from 1990 to 1999. (note that the soundtank list is organized by colour coding):
- BN5 Black Noise
- CD5 Cyberdrive
- SP5 Slam Punk
- AW5 Autowah
- EM5 Echo Machine
- DL5 Digital Delay
- PH5 Phaser
- SC5 Super Chorus
- BC5 Bass Chorus
- PL5 Powerlead
- TL5 Tremolo
- CP5 Compressor
- BP5 Bass Compressor
- CM5 Classic Metal
- TM5 Thrashmetal
- FL5 Flanger
- TS5 Tubescreamer
- FZ5 60’s Fuzz
Soundtank/5-Series (oddities & modded) (4)
These are the miscellaneous Soundtank units that probably should not exist at all.
- TS5 Tubescreamer (in metal enclosure)
- TS5 Tubescreamer (plastic, modded)
- MF5 Modern Fusion (in plastic enclosure)
- PL5 Powerlead (plastic, modded)
Tonelok/7-Series (1999->) (19, complete)
When Soundtank manufacturing seized in 1999, it was replaced with a new series called the ToneLok series. This series features a unique “ToneLok” pot mechanism that allows user to push the knobs down after the sound is set to avoid accidental messing with settings.
- TS7 Tube Screamer
- TS7C Tube Screamer
- DE7 Delay/Echo
- DE7C Delay/Echo
- SH7 7th Heaven
- AW7 Autowah
- FZ7 Fuzz
- CF7 Chorus/Flanger
- PH7 Phaser
- DS7 Distortion
- SM7 Smash Box
- PM7 Phase Modulator
- AP7 Analog Phaser
- LF7 Lo Fi
- SB7 Synthesizer Bass
- TC7 Tri-Mode Chorus
- PD7 Phat-Hed Bass Overdrive
- WD7 Weeping Demon Wah
- WD7JR Weeping Demon Junior Wah
9-Series (1982-85, ~2000->) (8) (8/19)
“Nine” series pedals were originally manufactured between 1982 and 1985. Later, Maxon/Ibanez started to produce reissues of the series and created a few new designs for the famous housing. TS9 started to appear in the 90’s, while other reissues came along later.
- TS9 Tube Sreamer (reissue)
- TS9DX Turbo Tube Screamer
- PT9 Phaser (unknown mod)
- AF9 Auto Filter
- CP9 Compressor/Limiter
- PQ9 Parametric EQ
- BB9 Bottom Booster
- SD9M Sonic Distortion Mod
Master/L-Series (1984-86) (13) (12/17)
The follower to the discontinued 9-series was the Master Series. Master serie featured all new type of enclosure, made of aluminum.
- FLL Flanger
- DFL Digital Flanger
- CSL Stereo Chorus
- DCL Digital Stereo Chorus
- BCL Bi-Mode Chorus
- CCL Dual Chorus
- DDL Digital Delay
- STL Super Tube
- SML Super Metal (early version)
- SML Super Metal (later version)
- MSL Metal Screamer
- CPL Compressor/Limiter
- GEL Graphic EQ
Power/10-Series (1986-89) (26) (25/36)
Follower to the discontinued Master series was the Power series. Power series has similar aluminum enclosure as the Master serie. The stomp lid that covers the battery compartment was changed to all hard plastic, instead of Master series lids that have rubber mat over them.
- TS10 Tubescreamer Classic
- TS10 Tubescreamer Classic (FYA Arrow mod)
- DS10 Distortion Charger
- MS10 Metal Charger (modded)
- FC10 Fat Cat Distortion
- MT10 Mostortion
- LM7 L.A. Metal
- DCF10 Digital Chorus/Flanger
- DSC10 Digital Chorus
- SC10 Stereo Chorus
- BC10 Stereo Bass Chorus
- SF10 Swell Flanger
- PH10 Bi-Mode Phaser
- CD10 Delay Champ
- DL10 Digital Delay
- DDL10 Delay II
- DDL20 Delay III
- DPL10 Digital Pan Delay
- CP10 Compressor Sustainer
- BP10 Bass Compressor
- SS10 Session Man
- SS20 Session Man II
- GE10 Graphic EQ
- OT10 Octave
- NB10 Noise Buster
- WH10v2 Wah
Other Ibanez/Maxon (18)
Here are the units that do not belong to any of the series listed above.
- TC999 Tube King Compressor
- TK999HT Tube King
- RC99 Rotary Chorus
- AD99 Analog Delay
- PDS-1 DCP Distortion
- PDM-1 DCP Modulation Delay
- PPE-1 DCP Parametric EQ
- GE-500 Graphic Equalizer
- 59 Standard Fuzz
- 95 Renometer
- PT999 Phase Tone
- PT-707 Phase Tone II
- FL-301 Flanger
- Maxon SM-9 Super Metal
- Maxon FL9 Flanger
- Maxon OD808 Overdrive (2008 Reissue)
- Maxon CP-101 Compressor
Buongiorno, io ho una domanda, magari non attinente, ma riguarda Ibanez: sapete se esiste uno schema elettronico dell’ Ibanez AD 190 Time Machine?
Perché ne possiedo uno che ha smesso di funzionare e non si trova il suddetto schema.
Ringrazio in anticipo.